Cinemechanica - The Martial Arts - SIR 010

"…genre labels rarely aptly describe the bands they're attached to, and they certainly do little to explain the spastic, razor-sharp music on The Martial Arts." — Cory Byrom - Pitchforkmedia

"The Martial Arts isn't just about wanton experimentation or diversity... it's the goddamn guitar album of 2006. With unexpected twists and turns around every corner, each song pile-drives your carcass into a host of irresistible riffs and inventive changes."--JonPfeffer - TinyMixTapes

"Coming in at about a half-hour, The Martial Arts doesn't afford itself the luxury of time to commit the great math-rock sin of devolving into introverted wankery. Thank goodness, too. A promising young band like this would be really boring if they had bigger chops than balls." - MATTHEW FIELD – CMJ

"The Martial Arts isn't stictly about tricky time patterns or multi-genre change-ups, at its core this is a guitar album where riffs rule." Doug Simpson - Skyscraper - Skyscraper

"With a debut this good, how do you follow it up? 5/5" Matt Hutcheson --

"Twitchy time signatures, fiercely intricate drum patterns, dualing guitars, and speak/shouting about things not quite right in the world... just what you've come to expect from Dischord. Only it's from Athens, GA's Hello Sir Records." Sam - 3hive

"asses will be pummeled, but they'll be pummeled with intricate care." Chet Betz --

"Many indie-rock bands today easily get lost in the scene and become a nameless group in the mix. Cinemechanica actually sticks out. Their styloe provides a good blend of choppy time signatures and catchy hooks." (The Grade: A) James Dolata - Tastes Like Chicken

"It's rare that an album will make me warn people that "this next part is going to make your head explode" or exclaim "What the fuck?!" in amazement while listening, but The Martial Arts has actually compelled me to do both of these within the same night. If I had to choose one word to describe Cinemechanica, it would be "ferocious"." Phill Ramey -- the Philler

"These guys have managed to pack every square inch of this album with cinematic and technical rock that stays quite accessible to the average listener. I should probably mention that speed rock isn't my usual cup of tea but I won't because only wimps speak of tea and cups." a robot cometh

"While we're on the subject, their song "I'm Tired of Paul McCartney" serves two important functions. First, it rocks harder than anything else on the album (which is saying quite a lot). Second, the title alone makes a fairly profound statement of boredom with the admitted honmogeny of so much of today's music. The sound of "The Martial Arts" smacks of this same sentiment, one that is restless and thirsty for change." Nathan Thatcher -- the Kentucky Kernel

"The give and take is what ultimately takes my breath away as the individuals sacrifice for the whole; instruments disappear and rematerialize almost seamlessly, creating succinct gaps or moments of clarity that are used nicely. Even the "instrumental" songs are worthy in their own right for being driving and interesting, creating a fully formed album. Overall, these guys are smart and know what they are doing, and … they need to be heard." bishop -- Hybrid Magazine

"The band was so tight that when they came to the abrupt stops of their songs, the club was quiet for a moment and then filled with applause...judging by the live show at The Billiken Club, something important could be about to happen for Cinemechanica." Patyrick Flanigan -- the current online

"This album falls short in very small places, and is a guitar playes dream." Steve --

"Complex music this stylistic would be easy to just cast into the mold of math rock but it's more than that; indeed each song is a sonic adventure waiting to take flight with every fleeting moment. Perfect!" J-Sin (Editor's Pick!!) -- Smother

"the best of which is probably "Get Outta Here Hitler," which just crushes, especially in the final third of its brief four-minutes of length. When it came on at work today I had to fight pretty hard not to just turn it way way up. I don't think my co-workers would really dig it. Oh well." music for robots

"Drummer's a fuckin'nut." Dagger

"Cinemechanica rock out in that angular, sassy Q and Not U way but with intricate times changes and meandering dual guitars. The result is the guitar interplay you'd expect from a band like Owls or American Football with the garage-tinged post-hardcore of Drive Like Jehu. More interesting with every listen BK - Real Detroit

"Some of the songs resemble old favorite Les Savy Fav, like "Brain Tarp" and "Ruins of Karnac." And the stumbling instrumental intro to "Get Outta Here Hitler" is one of the finest bits of music-making thus far encountered in '06. So yes, Cinemechanica has got chops, and knows how to most effectively deploy them." Garrett Martin - Flagpole

Tiger Bear Wolf - Bear - SIR 005

Alternative Press - one of top ten bands to look out for in 2005!

"Because while every band may talk about saving rock 'n' roll, these dudes can actually do the job. Hell, what other band can you name whose tunes combine Stooges' stripped-down swagger with Polvo's noodly genius and the Hellacopters' '70s-inspired shredding--all in one verse? Yeah, that's what we thought." Jonah Bayer -- AP

"Sounds like the Hot Snakes spitting beer at the Dischord house." Rockpile

"After the bombast and the skeletal fractures, Tiger Bear Wolf wants to take your picture for posterity and watch as the Mississippi mud they've creamed all over you senses dries into new skin. What can you make of all this? How about Split-end Album of the Year." Derek Miller -- A!! -- Stylus

Stylus - Feature

"Easily my most pleasant discovery of 2005, Tiger Bear Wolf is a phenomenal rock album, and another winner from the increasingly consistent Hello Sir! Records stable." David M. Goldstein -

"Tiger Bear Wolf is the perfect combination of Seventies punk rock and modern day punk, but manipulated into a sound all their own. Their self-titled album is filled with phenomenal guitar licks and deep rhythms-- simply put, it's great rock 'n' roll." Sal Swayzo - Grade A! - Tastes Like Chicken

"The result is an inspiring behemoth of a rock album, and pretty convincing proof that as far as saviors of rock go, Tiger Bear Wolf are an animal worth placing your bets on." Amir Nezar -

"Displaying remarkable instrumental and writing prowess for a new band, the disc is a shining example of how to Rock without any trace of homogeneity." - Ezra Waller -- City Beat

"On a whole, this CD feels like putting a cigarette out in your eye, and I mean that in the best way possible." Eric Feigner -- The Daily Barometer

"So stay out of Tiger Bear Wolf's way. These guys are juiced, they're uncaged, and they sound like they can tear the roof off any room you put them in." Chuck Zak -- delusionsofadequacy

"This super rocks. While I'm hesitant to say anything rocks like an actual bear, this is definitely bear-ish in its swooping claw action." Roctober

"Their rock 'n' roll is honest and gruff -- too authentic and brash for an iPod commercial." K. Langston -- Free Times

"Aggressive and well-contrived, Tiger Bear Wolf goes straight for the jugular with excellent riffs and vocals lines that pound their listeners into submission with their energy and nonchalant, straightforward rock and roll." bishop -- Hybrid Magazine

"As with any rock band worth a second listen, it's the way the players combine the ingredients that makes it worth a second listen. Well, that and the energy level, which is in the red here." Ed Masley -- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

"The fluid transitions between tempos, dynamics, and styles allow the songs to provide a sort of surprise around every corner feel. No matter which direction the band is taking a song at the moment it is clear that Tiger Bear wolf is playing with passion." Phill Ramey -- the Philler

Splendid Magazine

Antigravity Magazine -- Front Page!

Music for Robots

J's Indie Rock Mayhem

We Versus the Shark - Ruin Everything! - SIR 003

"While I'm sure we'll applaud their more polished efforts, we'll also miss the unfettered energy of their debut, the same way you sometimes pine for the rawness of The Cat and the Cobra or Is Terrified while enjoying Go Forth or Change." - Brian Howe -

"We Versus the Shark are relentless, ingenious, absurdly talented, and have finally registered a dancepunk (kind of) album worthy of your year-end list. Did I mention this was only their debut?" Amir Karim Nezar -

Amir Karim Nezar - Coke Machine Glow Ruin Everything #13 of the year!!

Coke Machine Glow - Interview

Movement Magazine - Interview

"...I decided to give Ruin Everything another chance. I re-listened to "You Don't Have To Kick It," and though the ever-present disco beats and shouting were firmly in place, I also unearthed found sounds, malfunctioning electronics, jagged guitar parts (not in the way most of their peers take this route--think more Dazzling Killmen math and less Gang Of Four skronk), and poignant melodies that rocked the shit out of my sandwich. In short: I found the group to be completely irresistible." Jonathan Pfeffer -

"After reviewing the Hello Sir Records' Split I knew that We Versus the SHark could rock. Now, after at least ten listens to their album Ruin Everything!, I know they can do a lot more. It actually only takes one listen to realize this, but when something is this good, it is really easy to lose track of how many times it has been going on repeat." PhiLL Ramey - the Philler

"We Versus the Shark reflects the Hello Sir Aesthetic: intense musicianship, aggressive arrangements, and a disregard for traditional pop song structures. Though devotees of all things Dischord, the Shark gleefully smashes together new wave, hardcore, abnd disco (amony other genres) without the dour seriousness of many of their forebears, leaving little impression of being derivative." -

"Ruin Everything! is the album Q and Not U were supposed to make before they completely sissied out on us with Power. Part Dismemberment Plan, part Drive like Jehu, with just a touch of Gang of Four and a good bit of math-rock blood in their veins, We Versus the Shark are something like a million-dollar-man of dancepunk." Amir Karim Nezar - Splendid

"Ah shit. It's just good."

"If I were the type of person that habitually threw house parties, I would want We Versus the Shark to headline every time. They could even get indie kids to dance with their exuberant combination of math rock, disco beats, and odd time signatures." Brian Graham - the Tablet

"Stop-on-a-dime, angular rhythms propel this juggernaut of an album." outsight, etc.

"The shark always wins." - Jeff Clark - Stomp and Stammer

"Zig-zagging betwee genres like a drunken driver, We Versus the Shark's latest offering, Ruin Everything!, is bound to give you a migraine - in the best possible way." - Eric Feigner - The Daily Barometer

"Scrambly, brambly mathematics make for the kind of tough chum that even the meanest sharks would have trouble swallowing. Unless they went to shark art school." - Roctober

"This is one wild roller coaster ridce that will leave the rider in total shock as they reenter the ride!" - Jim Benson - Jersey Beat

"This obviously a good, creative outfit well on its way to forging a distinctive personality." - Weekly Planet

"We Versus the Shark has stitched together a pretty intriguing style that may be an acquired taste for some, but anyone who wants something different from the usual Top 40 mire should give Ruin Everything a chance." - David Feltman - Birmingham Weekly

TOP PICK - in Impact Press - "Music shouldn't bore you. We Versus the Shark apparently know that." This Minus the Beatr meets Dismemberment Plan meets Modest Mouse. Damn, this is good." CM - Impact Press

"This band may have the potential to change as many lives as Talking Heads." - Jedd Beaudoin - Copper Press

"It's just like the three-car-pile-up that's ruining your morning commute; the mere thought is apalling, but I'll be god-damned if I'm not slowing down to take a peek." -

"Listeners, be warned. We Versus the Shark, as a potential audio love-match, might be like that old boyfriend your best friend warned you about: a little non-committal and unpolished at the dinner table, but awfuly exciting and unpredictable you-know-where." - Jennifer Wehunt

"Every song on RUIN EVERYTHING! has the ability to peak my interest, continuously pushing boundaries where most bands are content to simply push the same old buttons." - Matthew Siblo - Skratch

Hello Sir Split - SIR002

Maserati / Cinemechnaica / We Versus the Shark

"That there's hardly a week moment --- and never a stale one --- on this EP, despite its three-way division, makes the prospect of future releases from this label's line-up a mouth-watering one. If you've been complaining about the bore of over-technical, heartless math-rock, this is your EP. If you still think dancepunk doesn't have a decent torch-bearer, this is your EP. If you care at all about ambitious, fiery, forward looking rock, then Hello Sir! has but one thing to say to you: pay attention. Or else they'll kill you with their guitars." Amir Karim Nezar -Coke Machine Glow

"These bands sound good together, making for a solid release." - Bill Angelbeck - Punk Planet

"Hello Sir is a label to watch in '05."

"it's good to see that for those of us who aren't into the Elephant 6 sound, there's some real rock and roll in Athens" - Bart Schaneman - Kitty Magik

"This split EP from brand new Athens, Ga. label, Hello Sir Records, features the dreamy, instrumental art rock of Maserati, and two tracks each from up-and-comoers Cinemechanica and We Versus the Shark - the former a troupe of inspired math rockers somewhere between The Minutemen and Nintendo cover band the Minibosses, and the latter purveyors of craggy junkyard metal that's begging to blow your speakers. These bands ... are a fine addition to Athen's eclectic, ever-evolving soundscape." Paste Magazine

"Ultimately, what we have here is an overwhelmingly solid release whose quality all the is only outshined by the obvious enthusiasm of its production. It's quality all the way through and merits repeated listens." Gordon Lamb - Flagpole

"These three bands share one common trait: they all play intricate music that kicks ass." Alex Llama - Impact Press

"All in all, this is a label introduction worth writing home about." Brett R. Jam - Buckeye-Express

"Kudos to HSR for releasing this three-headed rock monster that actually delivers." Tim Anderi -

"You heard it here first. Hello Sir Records is on the brink of becoming a mainstay of the Dischord style punk scenee and beyond." - L. Keane - Hybrid Music

The Philler

Movement Magazine

Baby Sue